The Time Complexity of Learning Javascript

08 Sep 2021


Javascript is a pretty fun language. So far, it has been rather easy to pick up as it shares a lot of qualities with other languages I am familiar with. However, there is still a lot to pick up. I like how quick and simple it is. Javascript seems to have a lot less “rigidity” to it. Despite the simplicity, there are a few topics such as creating objects that I still struggle to fully grasp. I’m sure these topics will be practiced in our daily workouts. It has been an experience racing the clock to write code. Problem solving code while under stress is a skill to be learned. While daily workouts haven’t been enjoyable, my goal that I hope to achieve from them is to be a more competent and efficient programmer. If I am able to master all the basics, I can spend my time thinking about what to do, rather than how to do it.

On Time Management

On top of the Javascript code I am learning, I have been forced to learn some lessons regarding time management. With an increase in workload in comparison to previous semesters, it has become apparent that I probably should cut back on my full time job to prioritize getting things in on time. Though assignments appear easy, they have taken me longer than I expected which means I need to adjust my schedule to account for more study time.