

I have been involved with numerous beach cleanups around the island. Maybe you’ve seen me there! Being born and raised in Hawaii, the ocean is a big part of my life. I believe we need to do everything we can to help protect it, just as much as our rainforests and our environment in general. Climate change is something that needs to be taken seriously. We are already seeing the effects of it and this is only the beginning. Though my actions may be small in the grand scheme of things, it’s something easy I can do to help the cause, and this volunteer work has become a fun little thing to do on the side.

The ocean is important because it provides us with not only food, but up to 80% of our oxygen. The ocean is responsible for the tradewinds we enjoy. Maritime shipping is one of the most cost effective methods of getting stuff around that there is. When it comes to our tourism industry, many people come to Hawaii to experience our amazing beaches. Nobody wants to look at a dirty smelly ocean. There are so many different reasons to give back. The ocean is powerful and needs to be respected.