
As a final project to our software engineering class, I collaborated with a group to present wavecache, a surf focused website. Our goal was to bring realtime data to our presentation of surfbreaks found around Oahu, while introducing new surfers to our waters. Suggested breaks, a forum for each break, and a friends list where you could connect and meet the people you surfed with. Unfortunately, it didn’t reach full completion in the time we were given, but I am still happy with what we accomplished. I was in charge of doing UI work for the forum and friends page. After that was finished, I took a crack at making the forum a fully functional page with cards and a chat for every single break. Though I didnt quite get it, I still feel like I learned a lot from all the youtube videos I watched. Doing this project taught me a lot about what software engineering is. Coding in general for that matter. I like what we were able to produce and I was quite impressed with what my teammembers were able to do as far as adding little features. Their expertise in code helps me to realize I still have so much more to learn.

You can see it here.